The Wind-Up

The Wind-Up will rewind most ratchet straps of various widths ranging from 1 to 4 inches

Quickly & efficiently wind-up straps

The strap winder that just works

We offer two products which have been specifically designed for winding up ratchet straps after use:


Easy to use


Minimal handling to keep straps tidy


Robust and durable ergonomic design


Saves time and money

Reap the time-saving benefits

ScenariosTime TakenTime TakenTime Saved
 Hand Wound StrapStrap Winder Wound Strap
10m Ratchet Strap70 Seconds20 Seconds50 Seconds
1 Drop per day using 10 10M Ratchet Straps700 Seconds200 Seconds500 Seconds
2 Drops per day using 10 10M Ratchet Straps1400 Seconds400 Seconds1000 Seconds
1 Week 2 Drops per Day using 10 10M Straps 7000 Seconds2000 Seconds5000 Seconds

This saves you 1.5 hours a week or 2 weeks work in a year, Whats your time worth on the road?

How to use it

Follow these steps and learn how The Wind-Up works

Winding straps with the hook end first

Winding straps with the webbing end first

What do people say?

"Very Good"

Verified Purchase what a bit of kit ! Easy to use and stow away, definitely time and money saving.Winding straps by hand is a pain in the neck and as any driver will tell you decent leather gloves don’t come cheap(£15-£20) and straps render them useless after a couple of months, definitely a winner. Every HGV driver should have one


"Black, Shiny and Chunky"

The plastic is black, shiny and chunky – which I like. It winds up my 1″ and 2″ ratchet straps pretty fast. It took a couple of goes for me to get the hang of it but it wasn’t long before I could wind up all my loose straps into a neat pile. I’ve never seen 4″ wide ratchet straps before but I might buy some because this thing can wind up those as well! Very good product and IMHO well worth it.


" They have yet to wear out!"

We have used Adrian’s Ratchet Strap Winders for several years and have found them invaluable. Not only are they well made but they also save us & drivers, both time & inconvenience – they have yet to wear out!


"Very good time saver"

Have had this winder for 3 months now and saved me loads of time. Only complaints, should be made from some brighter colours as have nearly left it on back of wagon a few times in poor light and being black doesn’t help.the second issue is that it is fiddly winding up from hook end as hook attachment has to be removed each time.



"Excellent time-saving device"

This is an excellent time saving product, which I will not hesitate to buy again when I need to. If you use ratchet straps a lot and roll them up by hand as I used to, you will love this product. Most definitely money well spent.



"Simple and quick"

The Zyonyx has saved me time and a lot of messing with dirty straps, this is a simple and quick way to have my straps neat and tidy quickly.



mini Wind-Up

The mini Wind-Up is our small winder specifically designed for winding up domestic ratchet straps no wider than 25mm (1 inch) up to 10m long depending on webbing thickness.

Follow these steps and learn how mini Wind-Up works

The Environment

Our Products are Sturdy & Recyclable

Plastic may not be the most environmentally friendly material to work with as it is derived from oil, but at Zyonyx our philosophy is that we want to produce products that will last, not adding to the consistent landfill as produced by many products these days where the material is so thin that they break easily.

The plastic materials we use are recyclable and we are investigating the use of recycled plastics in the future manufacture our products.

Contact us

Please feel free to contact us whatever your query.

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